
Fair Use Policy

All games listed in the games page are subject to my fair use policy. In general, these things are all okay:

  • Streaming: You may stream any of my games, in whole or in part, with or without commentary, narration, or otherwise. Please provide a link back to my website or the game page if you do so. (Note: Most of my NSFW games have SFW toggles in them for streaming!)
  • LPs and Videos: You may create LPs and videos of any of my games, in whole or in part, with or without commentary, narration, or otherwise. This includes route spoilers and walkthrough videos. Please provide a link back to my website or the game page if you do so. (Note: Most of my NSFW games have SFW toggles in them for recording!)
  • Fan Works: Fan works of all sorts are absolutely welcome, including fanfics, fanart, or even full fan games. You are encouraged to share such works with me via mastodon, twitter, or email. Fan works must consist entirely of new and distinctive material not derived from any games.

However, the following (and any similar types of usage; this is not an exhaustive list) are NOT allowed:

  • Redistribution: Re-distributing and rehosting of my games, in whole or in part, is NOT allowed. This includes the game itself, any patches, associated material (the soundtrack, PDF booklets), or any material decompiled from the games (such as game art).
  • Resale: Reselling any of my games, in whole or in part, is NOT allowed. This includes the game itself, any patches, associated material (the soundtrack, PDF booklets), or any material decompiled from the games (such as game art).
  • Derivative Works: Works based directly off of my games, using materials directly from the games (such as sprites, music, or backgrounds) are NOT allowed. Fan works are acceptable, but must consist entirely of new and distinctive material.